Ahora, comprobemos una foto que hice en 2008:
¿Puedes decirnos el significado de las siguientes palabras y frases?
- News Feed
- Friends Online
- What's on your mind?
- Share
- Ad
- Like
- Tag this Photo
- Make Profile Picture
News Feed: This is the place where your friend’s activity appears.
I saw some pictures of your last trip on my news feed. They are wonderful.
Friends Online: Current available friends (to chat with).
Where are you? You don't appear on my Friend Online list, but your sister does.
What's on your mind?: This is a question Facebook asks to encourage you to put what are you thinking or doing.
A penny for your thoughts...I mean, what's on your mind?
Share: When you want to give something to someone, without expecting anything in return, you are sharing. In this case you can share a picture of yourself, a page link or a video you are watching on YouTube.
I like to share on Facebook interesting news that I've read on my favourites online newspapers.
Ad: Advertisement.
Some ads on TV are really creative, but others are silly.
Like: If you like a picture, video or comment, you can click on Like, and let people know about it.
I took this picture by mistake, but oddly people liked it.
Tag this Photo: to id someone by putting a tag or label on a photo.
I tagged my mates on our pictures from the party last night. Some of them look really hilarious; it was fun tagging them with their names.
Make Profile Picture: If you like a picture of yourself, and want to make it your profile photo, click on that link.
I really love Jennifer's profile picture. She looks beautiful when she smiles.

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