Palabra / Frase | Significado | Contexto |
My tummy is upset | Me duele la barriga | I couldn’t sleep well last night, my tummy was upset. |
I don't give a flying fig | No me importa | He doesn’t give a flying fig if I don’t get a new job soon. |
I couldn’t care less | No me importa | We couldn’t care less about the outcome of the match, we dislike both team. |
I couldn’t be bothered | No me molesté | You couldn’t be bothered calling him, he’s shown no respect for you. |
I’m with you | Te sigo, te entiendo | All right, I’m with you, keep reading. |
I’m not with you | No te sigo, no te entiendo | Hold on! Can you repeat please? I’m not with you. |
Make no mistake | No te equivoques | But make no mistake, this is not easy and you’ll have to try hard. |
Good food for thought | Te hará pensar | Read this article, is good food for thought. |
Social butterfly | Una persona muy sociable | You’re such a social butterfly; always have a good plan to go out. |
My brain is addled | Mi cerebro está confundido | My brain is addled today, I better go to bed. |
We’ll agree to disagree | No nos ponemos de acuerdo | We’ll agree to disagree on this one; our points of view are very different. |
Kick off | Empezar / Realizar el saque inicial | You better kick this off and start working / The match just kicked off 5 minutes ago. |
Keep the ball running | Mantener el esfuerzo | Don’t worry about that now, let’s fix this and keep the ball running! |
Kick the can down the road | Retrasar la toma de decisiones | He said Obama is showing he "wants to kick the can down the road" until after the election. |
To be on someone’s foot | Ponerse en el lugar de la otra persona | Seriously, try to be on my shoes and you'll see what I mean. |
We don’t want to shoot ourselves on the foot | Crearnos problemas o complicaciones. | We're once again sadly demonstrating to the rest of the world our self-destructive propensity- we shoot ourselves on the foot. |
To lose your marbles | Perder la cabeza | She’s spending too much time on her own; I think she’s going to lose her marbles. |
Ta | Forma abreviada de “Thanks” | Ta! -You're welcome! |
Ta for reading!

3 comentarios:
Que bien está este artículo. Enhorabuena. Y efectivamente no la enseñan...
Bueno todos los días aprendo algo nuevo gracias.
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