Una de las mejores maneras de aprender un idioma es escuchando y escuchando. Cuando se escucha un idioma se aprende nuevo vocabulario, la estructura de las oraciones y la gramática. Si además se acompaña con la imagen (un video) ya resulta ideal porque nos ayuda a captar mejor el mensaje.
Por estas razones el ver videos en inglés es un ejercicio excelente para mejorar nuestras habilidades en el idioma. En el blog ya hemos recomendado diferentes páginas y canales en YouTube donde se pueden observar magníficos videos en inglés. Pero Diana (helping-you-learn-english) y yo no queremos ser menos y hemos decidido seleccionar videos de temática variada e interesante y redactar una serie de preguntas asociadas a dichos videos para que puedas practicar y mejorar tu nivel de inglés.
El primer video que hemos escogido trata sobre el nuevo formulario (ESTA) que se debe solicitar para viajar a los Estados Unidos. Ten en cuenta que el video está sacado de la CNN y se lee a una velocidad normal, por lo que este video y las actividades asociadas están orientados a estudiantes avanzados de inglés. No obstante, si quieres intentarlo no dudes en hacerlo!
ESTA US security application
Warm up questions before you watch the video:
- Have you ever travelled to the US before?
- What was your experience like with security?
- What changes would you make to security to make things safer? More comfortable?
The video:
Watch the video and while you watch the video try to answer the following questions:
- What does the new US system ESTA stand for?
- This is a big change to the US travel system. When did the last big change like this occur?
- The US is the only country introducing ESTA. True or False
- How long can you stay in the US once your application has been approved?
- Does ESTA replace your need for a passport?
- What are authorities encouraging travellers to do in order to make the process easier?
- Can you travel in the case of an Emergency or last minute booking with the ESTA system?
- What is the typical waiting period for ESTA application approval?
- If I told you I paid $100 for my ESTA application, would you congratulate me on getting it for less than $300? Why or why not?
- What is the cheapest way to apply for ESTA approval?
Final questions:
- Describe the four steps of the ESTA process.
- Do you think that ESTA will make travelling safer?
- Why would the US introduce this form of security?
Answers to the questions, PA stands for possible answer:
ESTA US security application
Warm up questions before you watch the video.
- Have you ever travelled to the US before? PA: Yes I have. I went to Florida, Disney World about 10 Years ago.
- What was your experience like with security? PA: I remember the security and passport control people were very serious. I felt nervous like I had done something wrong and they were going to find out...even though I KNEW I hadn't done anything wrong.
- What changes would you make to security to make things safer? More comfortable? PA: Um, maybe if they had eye scans in addition to passports...or a finger print scanner. Something that makes it next to impossible to impersonate someone. That sounds really futureistic though.
Watch the video and while you watch the video try to answer the following questions.
- What does the new US system ESTA stand for? PA: It stands for Electronic System for Travel Authorization
- This is a big change to the US travel system. When did the last big change like this occur? PA: This is the biggest change to occur in the last 25 years.
- The US is the only country introducing ESTA. True or False A: False. It is also being introduced in much of the European Union, Japan and Australia
- How long can you stay in the US once your application has been approved? PA: You can stay in the US for up to Two Years or when your passport expires. Whichever happens sooner.
- Does ESTA replace your need for a passport? PA: No it does not. You still need a passport to travel in the US.
- What are authorities encouraging travellers to do in order to make the process easier? PA: Authorities recommend applying as soon as travel plans are made and to apply no later than 72 hours before travelling.
- Can you travel in the case of an Emergency or last minute booking with the ESTA system? PA: Yes you can. You can make the application last minute but for your peace of mind it is better to do it as soon as possible.
- What is the typical waiting period for ESTA application approval? PA: Typically ESTA applications are approved within 6 seconds (99% of applicants will experience this quick approval).
- If I told you I paid $100 for my ESTA application, would you congratulate me on getting it for less than $300? Why or why not? PA: No I wouldn't. I would have told you that you had been ripped off because anyone and do the application for FREE online.
- What is the cheapest way to apply for ESTA approval? PA: The cheepest way to apply is online because it is FREE.
Final questions:
- Describe the four steps of the ESTA process. PA: Step 1, complete your application. Step 2 Submit your application. Step 3 Recieve and record your application number. Step 4Recieve confirmation of your application.
- Do you think that ESTA will make travelling safer? PA: I am not sure if ESTA will make travelling safter but it will provide authorities with more information about each traveller.
- Why would the US introduce this form of security? PA: I believe that it is trying to increase security and reduce the risk of terrist attacks on the country. Being more informed about who is travelling within the US might prove useful in future situations.
Este documento ha sido realizado en colaboración con Diana Tower, profesora de inglés con 3 años de experiencia como docente y autora de la página Web Helping you learn English.

2 comentarios:
He linkado esta entrada en mi blog, pues es interesante conocer las nuevas reglas del Programa de Exención de Visado (VWP) para viajar a los Estados Unidos, siempre que se disponga de un pasaporte electrónico con un chip integrado y se haya obtenido una autorización de viaje a través del Sistema Electrónico de Autorización de Viaje (ESTA por sus siglas en ingles) antes de embarcar en una compañía aérea o marítima.
No hay problema siempre y cuando menciones la fuente original. ¿Te importaría nombrar a Diana de http://www.helping-you-learn-english.com/? Entre los dos realizamos las guías didácticas y creo que ella también se merece la mención.
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